You always thought of visit Brindisi and get to know its beauties but haven’t had the chance yet?

Brindisi Experience organizza le visite guidate a Brindisi, una città meravigliosa del Salento dall’antica storia. The tour is carried out by Local Tourist Guides, experts and authorized by the Puglia Region, it lasts two hours, on foot, through the streets and alleys of the ancient city. The ancient historical-archaeological heritage of Brindisi, the squares, the seafront, its port! They are all artistic beauties that only a Professional and Passionate Local Guide, born and raised in Brindisi in Brindisi can introduce you to, making you relive the history of this fascinating city.

What will you see on the itinerary?

You will get to know Brindisi, a city rich in history and charm in the heart of Puglia, its Monuments, it’s historic churches, and it’s Breathtaking views, you will have the opportunity to photograph panoramas of the most important Natural Port of the ancient Roman empire.

Your tour starts from the charming port, which for centuries has been a crossroads of cultures and trade.

Monument to Virgil, a commemorative work celebrating the great Roman poet. From here you can enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of the port and the sea that Virgil admired so much.

We will continue along the Lungomare Regina Margherita, walking along this fascinating coastal road. You will have the opportunity to admire the crystal clear sea and breathe the salty air that characterizes this port city.

The Roman Columns of the Port will be our next stop, silent witnesses of Brindisi’s glorious past as an important port of the Roman Empire. The guide will tell you the stories linked to these ancient columns and the crucial role they played in the history of the city. An essential stop, an icon of the city that marks the end of the ancient Via Appia, whose itinerary has officially concluded the process for its candidacy for recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site This column has witnessed countless historical events and represents a tangible symbol of the connection between Brindisi and Rome during the Roman era.

The suggestive Piazza Duomo will be our next point of interest. Here stands the magnificent Cathedral of Brindisi, an architectural masterpiece that tells of centuries of history and faith. Your guide will lead you through its naves, admiring the works of art and frescoes that adorn this sacred place, its frescoes, sculpted details and the majesty of the building will leave you breathless.

Next, we will head to the Loggia Balsamo, a fascinating architecture that has seen centuries of meetings and trade. We will explore this place that exudes history and culture, admiring its unique architectural details.

Palazzo Granafei Nervegna will be our next destination. This sumptuous baroque palace will welcome us with its elegance and beauty. We will walk through its frescoed rooms and I will tell you the stories of the nobles who once lived there.

Continueremo il nostro viaggio visitando L’area archeologica di San Pietro degli Schiavoni (o in dialetto brindisino San Pietru dilli Scauni) è un’area archeologica di Brindisi sottostante il teatro Verdi, che presenta elementi e reperti dell’antica città romana.

After that, we will go to San Giovanni al Sepolcro, a church that holds mysteries and legends linked to Brindisi’s Crusader past. The Guide will tell you the enigmas that surround this ancient church and we will admire its suggestive architecture.

We will conclude our tour at the Church of San Paolo, a historical jewel that will amaze us with its details and its sacred atmosphere. Here you can admire the beauty of the interiors and discover the hidden stories of this place of worship.

duomo di b

The itinerary of the guided tour of Brindisi:

  • Monumento Virgilio,
  • Lungo Mare Regina Margherita,
  • Colonne del Porto,
  • Piazza Duomo,
  • Loggia Balsamo,
  • Palazzo Granafei Nervegna,
  • San Pietro Degli Schiavoni,
  • San Giovanni al Sepolcro,
  • Chiesa di San Paolo.

Colonne Romane di Brindisi - Via Appia Tour

How to book the guided tour of Brindisi?

If you have particular time requirements, or you are a very large group, you can contact us directly with Whatsapp or by calling us at: +39 3899359910.

We remind you that booking is mandatory.

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